This video is full of fishing fails that is sure to make everyone laugh!
Weird Fish
The top 10 best fishing videos! Which one is the best? – You decide!
The Australian Museum has recently picked up another rare Goblin Shark which was caught several hundred metres deep by a commercial fisherman just off the coast of New South Wales between Sydney and Eden. What makes this particular fish look so weird is it’s bizarre ‘alien-like’ jaw mechanism, the scientific name of the Goblin Shark is Mitsukurina owstoni.
Sea Bed Hunting On One Breath – Human Planet: Oceans, preview – BBC One
Two and a half minutes on one breath. Filmed underwater in real-time for Human Planet, Bajau fisherman, Sulbin, free-dives to 20 metres to catch a fish.
This weird looking fish is a mix between a cat fish and a crocodile.
Interesting fish found in the waters of Japan…
Weird looking fish in Thailand, no other details.
Hunting a Shark From the Deep – Human Planet: Arctic, preview – BBC One
Amos and his son Karl-Frederik catch the largest Greenland Shark they’ve ever landed and pull it up 800 meters through a hole in the ice before feeding it to their hungry dogs.
This really is a weird ass fish. Not sure why this guy seems to think it would look any better with a fag hanging out of it’s mouth!